Sunday, September 8, 2013

life back to normal with spring round the corner

It took us a while to get back into the rhythm after the big European trip. We've been so busy since we came back that there was no time for writing. In fact I just downloaded some photos from the camera and went: "wow, we've done quite a bit in the last month".
One weekend we went to Bacchus Marsh where I had a talk about flying in France. The clubs over there are very busy even winter time. The whole fleet was out and 2 tugs were going up and down without a break.

Gonski getting the Cirrus ready for the big season

still on :)

We stayed with Gonski and Helen over night and had a great time. Ziggy volunteered to cook steaks and impressed everyone...again. They all really think that he can cook ;)

Last weekend we had visitors from Brisbane. Jenny and Jeremy flew in for a weekend and a few more popped in on Saturday. The wine supplies are shrinking...scary

there is always room for your plane in our hangar

somehow Ziggy sneaks into every picture

Cpt. Jenny and F/O Jeremy - it was the other way around on the way here

8 hours flight to Brisbane in front of them

see you soon guys!

Since we're having so many visitors recently it's about time to spend some time on the house and make it presentable. Two weeks ago extensive gardening activities took place. We brought half barrels from the nearby winery and planted some fruit trees, bamboo and a fancy Japanese Maple Osakazuki tree. They all look wonderful and are doing really well obviously enjoying the wine residues in the barrels.

Today we finished painting the garage floor and it looks almost as good as the hangar. Some landscaping and fixing the sprinkler system in the front as also done. I think we can now match the houses in our neighborhood.

Anyone out there with a shiny garage floor ready for a competition?

this floor will be hard to beat

Next weekend we'll be performing annual inspection on the SZD-55 and get her all set for the season. Fuel system and other parts for the Wilga are just about on the way from Poland. If it wasn't for work we would be able to fly 7 days a week. It's warming up too! Summer can come.
1.5 months to go and we'll be heading for the Orange Week to South Australia. Great relaxed comp for the start of the season ... not mentioning the oranges and grapes in liquid form.

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