Saturday, January 9, 2010

Marta's day - first 3 records

It was a really hard day today. The thermals were hard to work with, each cloud was different and a pretty long part of the task was in the blue. The plan with speed and distance records didn’t quite work out. It looks like I made the distance over a declared triangle, a free triangle and a distance using up to 3 turn points in the 15 meter class. I uploaded the flight to the OLC so you can have a look if you wish. It was a struggle but I decided not to give up although I was pretty close to that couple of times. I’ve learned again never ever to give up. The first and second leg were slow but OK. The third one was good at the very beginning, I got the height of the day and it started to blue out. I was pretty sure I will land at Warren Airport which was my last turn point. I was already overhead and discovered a Cu building up to the north of the airport. I decided to check it out before I land and … it worked. It didn’t give me the final glide though since I was almost 70 km from home. I decided to go for it and called Ziggy 20 km out that I’m probably going to land next to the road going north out of Narromine. I already had the paddock picked and suddenly hit probably the last bubble of the day … it was already 6:30 pm … It gave me not only the final glide but also the required altitude to complete the task… I’m really tired. More tomorrow …

Nie bylo latwo dzis. Cezko bylo znalezc noszenia pod chmurami, kazda chmura pracowala inaczej i dosc duze czesc trasy byla na termice bezchmurnej, ktora byla zdecydowanie slabsza od chmurowej. Plan maximum pobica pieciu rekordow w jednym locie: predkosc po trojkacie 500km, odleglosc po trasie trojkata deklarowanego i dowolnego i odleglosc po trasie z 3 punktami zwrotnymi nie do konca sie udal. Predkosc wyszla dosc slaba ale 3 rekordy odleglosciowe sie udaly. Lot jest na OLC wiec mozna go obejrzec jesli ktos ma ochote. Po raz kolejny przekonalam sie, ze nigdy  nie nalezy sie poddawac. Bylam tego bliska kilka razy. Bylam przekonana ze wyladuje najpozniej w Warren, ktory byl moim ostatnim punktem zwrotnym. Bedac nad tym lotniskiem zauwazylam Cu budujacego sie na polnoc od tamtego lotniska i pomyslalam, ze obejrze go sobie z bliska zanim wyladuje. Okazalo sie, ze dzialal ale nie dal mi jeszcze dolotu do Narromine, do ktorego bylo 70 km. Na 20-tym kilometrze zawolalam Ziggy zeby mu powiedziedziec, ze laduje kolo drogi i w tym momencie trafilam chyba ostani babel dnia, ktory dal mi nie tylko dolot ale i wysokosc potrzebna do ukonczenia zadania. Jutro gramy dalej ;-)

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