Friday, November 20, 2015


Well, the phone doesn't stop ringing and the big secret is out.

The answer is: yes, we did it.

We made it official on Friday 13th of November. I arrived to Australia on November 12th, 2010, so last Friday was exactly 5 years and 1 day. We had a small and quiet ceremony in the registry office followed by a degustation dinner with our closest friends in the best restaurant in town. It was an amazing night and a wedding exactly how we wanted it.

Thank you, dear friends, for joining us and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.



Tomorrow we're off for the honey moon! Waikerie, here we come! Our freshly renovated holiday home is waiting and so are our friends. Let the celebrations start with lots of flying, laughs, good food and beer! Oh, did I mention beer?

You don't really need to go for a trip if you live in Adelaide ... this was our day yesterday:

I gave up the idea of having a swim after I saw this jelly fish. Otherwise It would have been a perfect day for it and the water was sooo warm. This thing was quite big and I didn't fancy the idea of colliding with it.

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