Thursday, January 14, 2010

strange conditions

I gained quite a lot of experience yesterday. Already on tow I noticed a "wall" of really poor visibility airmass to the south. Since my task has been set up to the north-west-north and that mas was still sitting pretty much far away I didn'tr even bother. The conditions over the field were really good. I got a climb to 10000ft with an average 7 kts and decided not to wait long and started the task. The winds aloft were pretty strong and from NW so the first leg was with a headwind but I was hoping I can manage it under a sort of cloudstreet without circling till I reach the first turn point. The two remaing legs were supposed to be with a tail wind component. I didn't quite make it without circling to the first TP. It wasn't too bad though since I hit a thermal with 9 kts average all the way up. I noticed the new airmass approaching when I was reaching the first TP. I started getting lower and lower, couldn't find a descent climb and just kept going. It got harder and harder to find anything especially being so far apart from the cloudbase with such a strong wind. My XC speed was going down but I kept going and reached my second TP. I headed back home and figured that the new mass was already all the way down there. Suddenly it go really hot in the cockpit ... I looked at the OAT and it went up 10 degrees! I have to mention though that I stayed more less at the same altitude. So there it was, the hot dusty air shutting off the good thermals. I made it back without any problems but working on the altitude required to finish not lower than 1000m below the start altitude cost me so much time that I wasn't able to keep the XC speed.
This stuff is over the area today morning and keeps the sun from operating and heating up the ground. I already figured that it needs a lot of heating over here to really kick in. The first usable thermals start around noon or even later whane the temperature reaches ca. 35 degrees. It's gonna start later today and get low - around 7000 ft. Not really good for a speed task ... We're thinking about going to Dubbo's ZOO where I can hug a Koala Bear. The predicions for the next days are confusing. It all depends on the mass that just moved in ... it might keep moving forward and pass or back up and mess everyting up for the next few days ... Nobody knows for sure though.

Hans approaching ...


Patrick, Morgan & Zigless

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